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West Shore Wellness in Camp Hill PA

The Hurried Holidays

As we enter into this holiday season, may we pause to enjoy the reason we celebrate? We all have various reasons we celebrate this season such as faith, family or the mere holiday itself. Whatever your reason, please do not lose sight of it in all of the holiday preparations. Many times we put such high expectations on ourselves to find the right gift, bake the perfect cookies, host the best party or have the best decorations. These can all be noble things to strive for; however, allowing our human lack of perfection to dictate whether or not we have the “perfect holiday,” is a recipe for disaster. No matter how hard we try to create those “perfect” scenes from the magazines or movies, but we must remember that people actually live in our homes and it will never measure up to the expectations we have, if we strive for perfection.

How then should we approach this holiday season?

Simply put, take time to enjoy the season.

Sip some hot chocolate with the kids by the Christmas tree.

Don’t freak out when Aunt Thelma’s gingerbread cookies don’t bake right.

Simplify your decorating so that you have less time in preparations and more time admiring the time of the holidays.

If gift giving stresses you out, simplify! It’s OK.

If we are able to reduce the stress of the season, we allow ourselves more time to be present in the moment and enjoy our time with others…the reason we celebrate in the first place.

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